Cryo-Walking Technology

Exploring Cryo-Walking: Advancing Quantum Scanning Probe Microscopy

Unleashing Unprecedented Precision and Control

Obtaining atomic resolution is impressive, but at Onnes Technologies, we believe in pushing boundaries and venturing into uncharted territories. That’s why we are excited to introduce Cryo-Walking, a groundbreaking technique in Quantum Scanning Probe Microscopy (qSPM).

In the 2x2um STM image, we present atomic terraces on HOPG (400mV, 100pA). Let’s delve into the fascinating details: The initial scan area is on the left, and the center image showcases the scan area shifted to the right using 12 sets of coarse steps. Finally, on the right, we observe the scan area after coarse displacement, an impressive shift of 410nm from the initial position.

Cryo-Walking harnesses the potential of vertical and lateral positioners to achieve remarkable results. The vertical positioner ensures the precise tunneling distance between the STM tip and the sample, while the lateral positioner moves the HOPG sample underneath the STM tip. This well-controlled positioning allows for the seamless movement of samples over larger distances, even up to millimeters, while continuously operating in tunneling mode.

Scanning Tunneling Microscope based on CryoWalking Technology

Revolutionizing Low-Temperature Scanning

Cryo-Walking represents the first step towards eliminating the need for mechanical-amplified piezo scanners at low temperatures. This breakthrough enables sub-nanometer resolution over millimeter scan ranges while maintaining milli-Kelvin temperature stability due to extremely low heat dissipation.

Ready to explore further? Download our comprehensive brochure to uncover the remarkable benefits of arQtika in Quantum Scanning Probe Microscopy. Discover how this innovative technology is revolutionizing the field and opening up new avenues for scientific exploration. Unlock new possibilities with Cryo-Walking and redefine the boundaries of Quantum Scanning Probe Microscopy.


This image shows it is possible to resolve the atomic lattice of the Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) surface. Such atomic resolution images are obtainable with standard vibration damping tools and therefore illustrate the benefit of the stiff design of the arQtika cryogenic nanopositioner.

A Scanning Tunneling Microscope based on Cryo-Walking Technology

This image shows it is possible to resolve the atomic lattice of the Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) surface. Such atomic resolution images are obtainable with standard vibration damping tools and therefore illustrate the benefit of the stiff design of the arQtika cryogenic nanopositioner.
